Pick Up

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Jake likes Kierra and uses pick up lines on her, but she more or less entertains the male in listening to them as she herself isn't sure if she likes him or not like that.


so, this one came about because of that Jake live where he did pick up lines and ask engenes for some, too. and that boy really got me writing a lot of and giving me some type of motivation and what not. so like i always say, take it and write. and so here we are. other than that, happy reading, kthxbai~

-The story within this account of [wonpokemon] is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional or out of character, and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends.

-© [wonpokemon] 2024. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of [wonpokemon].


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745 streak #1
Chapter 1: I loved it! ^^